Thursday, September 10, 2015

Women Who Submit! (trust me, it's actually cool)

Women Who Submit is a blog and facebook presence that discusses women submitting for publication as a form of activism. They describe their mission on their website as follows:

"Women Who Submit seeks to empower women writers by creating physical and virtual spaces for sharing information, supporting and encouraging literary submissions, and clarifying the submission and publication process."

I have blogged in the past about the disproportional representation of male authors in literary journals and other types of mainstream publishing. VIDA, Women in the Literary Arts ( regularly does a count of the publication stats at major publications by gender. In recent years they have added a count to specifically address the representation of women of color. their findings can be found here: It's always good to keep an eye on these things.

If you are a female author and you happen to see this post before September 12, 2015, you can take part in the online submission party held by Women Submit. As they say, time to shake up those slush piles!