Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Students Opposing Dating Abuse

We did our day-long goal-setting, trainer-refresher course type meeting for the local high school peer educators, yesterday. It was fun. They plan to do a play-with-interviews type of film project and take it to the MYAN (Maine Youth Action Network) Conference, next Fall. We worked on the script until our brains were all melted and then we had a half hour of "theatrical combat" where two of the girls were choreographing an abuse scene. It was a bit surreal, watching them beat the snot out of each other (though I knew in my head that they weren't). :0

food is our primary recruiting tool. :)


Gwen said...

I recognize your starbucks coffee cup in the second picture! LOL! Solid proof that you were there, since you don't go anywhere without coffee! LOLOL! The day sounds cool!


Gwen said...

OMG that pizza looks SO DANG GOOD right now!!! If you find me licking the computer screen, you'll know why! Just kidding! LOL!!
